Chat cu Sara5

 Acasa \  Femeie Bucuresti \ Sara5
... Sara5 - 35 ani Descriere: Despre mine? Easy to love but hard to aford. When God made me he was just showing of. When I was born I was so surprised I didn t talk for a year and a half and when i grew up I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out. My problems all started with my early education. I went to a school for mentally disturbed teachers. I always arrived late at school, but I made up for it by leaving early I think money and looks aren t everything but its all I got. I always wanted to be somebody but I should have ben more specific. I do most of things online but u can t buy love on eBay but whoever said that money can t buy happiness, ain t ben shopping at the right Malls. And even if you can t buy it, at least you have a better bargain position from where you can rent a very close imitation (you can pay for the illusion). Sometimes my opinions are changing but not the fact that i am right. My tastes are simple:*

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